La via degli dei

Cà de Taruffi offre, su prenotazione, il servizio di navetta alla fine della prima tappa (Badolo).


Sul crinale tra Setta e Savena, gli Etruschi percorsero per almeno 4 secoli (VII-IV sec. a.C.) un’antica strada che congiungeva Fiesole con Felsina, al fine di sviluppare i loro traffici e favorire il loro dominio sulla Pianura Padana. 

Poi i Romani, avendo fondato nel 189 a.C. la colonia di Bononia sui resti dell’antica Felsina, sentirono la necessità di garantire un collegamento con Arezzo e Roma attraverso gli Appennini: sul precedente tracciato etrusco costruirono nel 187 a.C. con il console Caio Flaminio una vera e propria strada romana transappenninica denominata Flaminia Militare. 

Anche nel Medioevo non si perse l’abitudine di percorrere a piedi o a cavallo questo antico percorso, il più agevole che permettesse di attraversare questo tratto di Appennino. Tuttavia, al lastricato romano caduto presto in disuso e sommerso dalla vegetazione, si sostituì un semplice sentiero, una stretta mulattiera senza pavimentazione, utilizzata dai viandanti che avessero necessità di percorrere questo cammino.


La Via degli Dei, percorso ideato alla fine degli anni ’80 del ‘900 da un gruppo di escursionisti bolognesi, ricalca prevalentemente questi antichi tracciati e, tra Monte Bastione e Monte di Fo’, passa accanto ad alcuni pregevoli basolati della strada romana, ora riscoperti. 

Il percorso attraversa località come Monte Adone, Monzuno (Mons Iovis, monte di Giove), Monte Venere, Monte Luario (Lua era la dea romana dell’espiazione). La Via degli Dei oggi è diventata una delle principali attrattive turistiche dell’Appennino: numerosi amanti del trekking e della mountain bike ripercorrono questo pezzo di storia gustando a pieno la bellezza incontaminata di questi luoghi. L’intera traversata da Bologna a Firenze – che non presenta grandi difficoltà – si può compiere in quattro/sei giorni o più a piedi (a seconda dell’allenamento e dell’abilità del camminatore), oppure in due/tre giorni o più in bicicletta.È comunque possibile percorrere anche solo alcune tratte della Via degli Dei, per lasciare libertà a tutti i camminatori di costruire un proprio percorso personalizzato.

Der Weg der Gößer

Cà de Taruffi bietet auf Reservierung einen Shuttleservice am Ende der ersten Etappe (Badolo) an.


Auf dem Grat zwischen Setta und Savena legten die Etrusker mindestens 4 Jahrhunderte durch (VII-IV Sek. a.C.) eine alte Straße, die Fiesole mit Felsina verband, um ihren Handel zu entwickeln und ihre Herrschaft über die Padanische Ebene zu fördern. 

Dann die Römer, nachdem sie 189 a gegründet.C. die Kolonie Bononia auf den Überresten der alten Felsina, fühlten sie die Notwendigkeit, eine Verbindung mit Arezzo und Rom durch die Appennini zu sichern: auf der vorherigen etruskischen Strecke bauten sie 187 a.C. mit konsul Caio Flaminio eine echte transappenninische römische Straße namens Flaminia Militare. 

Auch im Mittelalter wurde die Angewohnheit nicht verloren, diesen alten Weg zu Fuß oder zu Pferd zu gehen, der einfachste, der es ermöglichte, diesen Abschnitt des Appennin zu überqueren. Doch am römischen Gestein, das bald stillgelegt und von Vegetation überflutet wurde, wurde ein einfacher Weg ersetzt, eine schmale Mulattiera ohne Pflaster, die von Wanderern benutzt wurde, die diesen Weg gehen mussten.


Die Via degli Dei, eine Route, die Ende der 80er Jahre von einer Gruppe von Bolognese-Wanderern entworfen wurde, folgt hauptsächlich diesen alten Strecken und verläuft zwischen Monte Bastione und Monte di Fo' an einigen wertvollen Basolaten der römischen Straße vorbei, die jetzt wiederentdeckt werden. 

Die Route führt durch Orte wie Monte Adone, Monzuno (Mons Iovis, Jupiterberg), Monte Venere, Monte Luario (Lua war die römische Göttin des Sündenstücks). Die Via degli Dei ist heute zu einer der wichtigsten Touristenattraktionen des Appennin geworden: Zahlreiche Wanderer und Mountainbike-Liebhaber blicken auf dieses Stück Geschichte zurück und genießen die unberührte Schönheit dieser Orte. Die gesamte Überfahrt von Bologna nach Florenz , die keine großen Schwierigkeiten bereitet, kann in vier bis sechs Tagen oder mehr zu Fuß (je nach Training und Fähigkeiten des Spaziergängers) oder in zwei/drei Tagen oder mehr mit dem Fahrrad unternommen werden.Es ist jedoch möglich, auch nur einige Strecken der Via degli Dei zu befahren, um allen Wanderern die Freiheit zu geben, einen eigenen benutzerdefinierten Weg zu bauen.



The Torre degli Asinelli is one of the city’s symbols, a building with an ancient history and adorned with legends. Reaching its terrace is an experience not to be missed. The exciting panorama that can be enjoyed from the terrace will allow you to appreciate the Basilica of San Petronio in all its majestic figure. The climb to the top is possible thanks to a wooden staircase that has 492 steps, so put on comfortable shoes and get ready for healthy physical activity.

The Lamentation over the Dead Christ is a work full of pathos, worthy expression of the greatest Italian sculptural art. The late is located inside Santa Maria della Vita in via Clavature.

The Quadrilateral is the district that since the Middle Ages has hosted the artisan and commercial activities of the city. The beautiful streets that make it up have retained their ancient appearance. Many old signs stand out unchanged on street corners. Getting lost in these narrow streets with romantic charm is undoubtedly among the things to do in Bologna.

That of the seven secrets is an exciting route that will allow you to visit the city from a different perspective than usual. You will open your eyes to a new and unknown world in which mysteries take shape through statues and symbolic places of Bologna.

Surely one of the most loved habits by the Bolognese, this walk will make you walk the longest porch in the world. It starts from Porta Zaragoza and then reaches the top of the Hill of the Guard and stops to contemplate the beautiful Sanctuary of the Madonna di San Luca. The route is certainly not the easiest but it reserves some pleasant surprises and is certainly a unique experience.

The museum of modern art in Bologna or the MAMbo is a place that contains culture and art. The admirable modern and contemporary collection is among the most important in Italy, in fact it has been the most frequented museum in recent years. This is also thanks to the numerous temporary exhibitions that bring internationally renowned artists to the city.

As in many cities of Europe, a Jewish ghettowas also established here. Its dark and narrow alleys have not undergone major changes and today return a surreal image. Just say the name of the main street “via dell’Inferno” to feel a shiver down your spine.

The craftsmanship keeps alive and you can still find historic family-run shops. Visiting these ancient shops is a way to contribute to the maintenance of that care and passion of work that over time is being lost.

This beautiful place is located in the center, in via Ugo Bassi. The herb market is not only the city’s fruit and vegetable market, you will also find gastronomies with typical products. But the best is yet to come! Although the central area of the building has remained unchanged, the side rooms house restaurants and bars where you can stop to eat and drink.

If you are looking for a relaxed environment in which to spend a nice evening via del Pratello is the one for you. All along the way there are several pubs, wine bars, restaurants and finger-food clubs. For years now, the area has become a regular gathering place for those who love nightlife. Surely you will find the one that suits you!



The Torre degli Asinelli is one of the city's symbols, a building with an ancient history and adorned with legends. Reaching its terrace is an experience not to be missed. The exciting panorama that can be enjoyed from the terrace will allow you to appreciate the Basilica of San Petronio in all its majestic figure. The climb to the top is possible thanks to a wooden staircase that has 492 steps, so put on comfortable shoes and get ready for healthy physical activity.

The Lamentation over the Dead Christ is a work full of pathos, worthy expression of the greatest Italian sculptural art. The late is located inside Santa Maria della Vita in via Clavature.

The Quadrilateral is the district that since the Middle Ages has hosted the artisan and commercial activities of the city. The beautiful streets that make it up have retained their ancient appearance. Many old signs stand out unchanged on street corners. Getting lost in these narrow streets with romantic charm is undoubtedly among the things to do in Bologna.

That of the seven secrets is an exciting route that will allow you to visit the city from a different perspective than usual. You will open your eyes to a new and unknown world in which mysteries take shape through statues and symbolic places of Bologna.

Surely one of the most loved habits by the Bolognese, this walk will make you walk the longest porch in the world. It starts from Porta Zaragoza and then reaches the top of the Hill of the Guard and stops to contemplate the beautiful Sanctuary of the Madonna di San Luca. The route is certainly not the easiest but it reserves some pleasant surprises and is certainly a unique experience.

The museum of modern art in Bologna or the MAMbo is a place that contains culture and art. The admirable modern and contemporary collection is among the most important in Italy, in fact it has been the most frequented museum in recent years. This is also thanks to the numerous temporary exhibitions that bring internationally renowned artists to the city.

As in many cities of Europe, a Jewish ghettowas also established here. Its dark and narrow alleys have not undergone major changes and today return a surreal image. Just say the name of the main street "via dell'Inferno" to feel a shiver down your spine.

The craftsmanship keeps alive and you can still find historic family-run shops. Visiting these ancient shops is a way to contribute to the maintenance of that care and passion of work that over time is being lost.

This beautiful place is located in the center, in via Ugo Bassi. The herb market is not only the city's fruit and vegetable market, you will also find gastronomies with typical products. But the best is yet to come! Although the central area of the building has remained unchanged, the side rooms house restaurants and bars where you can stop to eat and drink.

If you are looking for a relaxed environment in which to spend a nice evening via del Pratello is the one for you. All along the way there are several pubs, wine bars, restaurants and finger-food clubs. For years now, the area has become a regular gathering place for those who love nightlife. Surely you will find the one that suits you!

Il cinema ritrovato

Il Cinema Ritrovato è un rassegna cinematografica dedicata alla riscoperta di film rari e poco noti, con particolare riferimento alla produzione cinematografica delle origini. Si tiene dal 1986, la rassegna presenta una preziosa selezione di opere rare o considerate perdute, provenienti dagli archivi storici delle cineteche di vari paesi.

La manifestazione si svolge a cavallo tra giugno e luglio in alcuni luoghi del centro storico di Bologna, tra cui Piazza Maggiore e la Manifattura delle Arti, ospitando anche la Mostra Mercato dell’Editoria Cinematografica.

Il festival è organizzato dalla #Cineteca di Bologna è una delle più importanti cineteche europee.

The rediscovered cinema

Il Cinema Ritrovato is a film festival dedicated to the rediscovery of rare and little-known films, with particular reference to the film production of the origins. Held since 1986, the exhibition presents a precious selection of rare or lost works, coming from the historical archives of film libraries in various countries.

The event takes place between June and July in some places in the historic center of Bologna,including Piazza Maggiore and the Manifattura delle Arti,also hosting the Mostra Mercato dell'Editoria Cinematografica.

The festival is organized by the #Cineteca of Bologna is one of the most important European film libraries.